Raw Chocolate Raspberry Brownie Bites

I don’t think there’s going to be much chit chat on this post.  Really, you don’t want to hear me say much except for that this new raw brownie recipe is great!! It was a quick modification on my Raw Brownie Recipe as I wanted to change it up for a potluck I had.  Raspberries are in season (or were when I first made this), and raspberry + chocolate = OMG yum.  The coconut topping was a result of the fact that with the added raspberries, the consistency was a bit moist, so I rolled them in coconut.

To quickly recap, these raw brownie bites are:

  • gluten free
  • dairy free
  • free of any added/refined sugars
  • vegan
  • raw

I recommend storing them in the fridge/freezer.  They will keep forever in the freezer!

Prep Time:

10 mins

Cook Time:

0 mins

Total Time:

10 mins




  • 2 cups walnuts (I used raw, organic)
  • 2 cups pitted dates (I used medjool)
  • ¼ cup raw cacao powder
  • ½ cup carob powder (if you don’t have this, you could put another ½ cacao powder)
  • ½ cup unsweetened coconut flakes (plus enough to roll in, about another ¾ cup)
  • 1 cup almonds, chopped
  • 1 pint of fresh raspberries, not frozen (Just under 2 cups)


  1. In food processor, pulse almonds until chopped, but not fully ground (these give the brownies some texture).
  2. Then, remove from food processor.
  3. Pulse walnuts until nicely ground.
  4. Add the ½ cup coconut flakes, salt, cacao/carob powders and continue to mix.
  5. Add the dates (not all at once) while the food processor is on (I dropped through the top opening one at a time)
  6. Add back in almonds and raspberries and pulse just enough to mix
  7. Roll into balls and then roll in coconut flakes
  8. Place in freezer or fridge to set for 30 min

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