3 Things Employees Love About This Wellness Program

Planning a customized, done-for-you wellness program doesn’t have to be complicated. We know you want to support your employees’ mental health, boost engagement, keep burnout at bay and keep retention high, all while staying on budget, so we wanted to share the most common pieces of feedback we receive about our wellness challenges to show you how simple meaningful change can be.

At the end of every program, we survey participants to find out what the most impactful habit changes they made were. Here are the top 3:

#1 – Getting outside for a break midday.

When their role permits, we challenge participants to get outside for a minimum of 15 minutes during the workday. It’s incredible how this break helps employees feel mentally refreshed, boosts their energy and improves their productivity for the afternoon. When an organization offers a program that recommends taking breaks, it sends a meaningful message to counter burnout culture.

#2 – Drinking more water.

At HEAL, we are pretty well known for our obsession with hydration because even just a 1-2% drop in hydration can lead to a decrease in focus, a decrease in productivity, and sugar cravings. It’s peculiar how we’re never actually taught throughout our many years of schooling that we need to drink water and that it can be game-changing for how we feel.

#3 – The connection & camaraderie with my team.

While you might think of a wellness challenge as a wellness program, ours has actually become a team-building program as well. We know that feeling more connected at work improves mental health, and that a sense of belonging at an organization is critical for engagement. Something as simple as having a weekly team check-in or taking a team snack break as part of the program does just this.

Do you see how simple these habits are?

If you’d like to chat more about planning a customized, done-for-you wellness program, book a call here!

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