Garlic Scape Pesto

It’s been garlic scape season for the past month or so, and to be honest I can’t think of a better season as garlic and I get along well!  I’ve also got a condo sized herb garden on my patio this summer, and the herb that is growing the fastest and I can barely keep up with is the basil.  So, naturally copious amounts of basil + garlic scapes at every farmers market = a recipe idea!

Garlic is an absolute wonder food, and I will be doing a separate “In Mandy’s Pantry” post on garlic because there’s so much to say about it.  When I make anything garlic-y for myself, I usually go slightly overboard on the garlic, so be warned – this recipe is garlic-y!  (Note that I did reduce the garlic to basil ratio here after testing it with a few friends.)

I put this pesto on top of raw zucchini noodles and added sprouted adzuki beans and fresh cherry tomatoes.  You could add some fresh salmon or a breast of chicken.  Whatever you like!   You could also put it on top of regular pasta, or use it as a dip with some veggies or crackers.  Let me know how you like it! 🙂


Prep Time:

5 mins

Cook Time:

0 mins

Total Time:

5 mins




  • Note: This makes ½ cup of pesto
  • 2 garlic scapes
  • 25 large leaves of basil (approx 1 cup)
  • ⅛ cup hemp hearts
  • ⅛ cup extra virgin oliveoil
  • Juice of ½ lemon
  • Salt and pepper to taste (don’t forget this part)


  1. Place all ingredients in food processor, except olive oil.
  2. Turn on food processor and add oil while it’s mixing.
  3. Scrape down sides with spatula and keep mixing until creamy consistency.

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