Fresh Prep Review

This weekend, instead of my usual trip to the grocery store, I had the pleasure of having my ingredients delivered to my doorstep! Pretty sweet, huh? Fresh Prep reached out to me asking if I was interested in trying their service, and on Sundays I always make a point of making a couple of meals in advance of the week so that when
the week gets busy, I have something healthy in the fridge.

Overall, the experience was really good. If you’d like to give it a try, I've got a coupon code here for 3 free meals.

How Fresh Prep Works

The ordering process is pretty simple! You create an account, and input your dietary restrictions. They have lots of meals that are gluten and dairy free.

What I will say is that I tend to be pretty choosy with the ingredients I use and I also eat grain free. There was not the ability to custom order grain free and most meals did have some added sugar. (I just omitted the ingredients I didn’t want to use when cooking - more below on that!)

Once you’ve submitted your order, you choose a delivery day and will get a cooler bag with the ingredients you need to make an awesome dinner. By the way, if you're in the market for a cooler bag, you can check out this coolers guide by Globo Surf. The ingredients are also portioned out and in recyclable packaging. Such a time saver, as chopping can often take the most time.

The Meals I Got

I received two different recipes/meals: Indonesian Gado Gado & Miso Glazed Salmon. Both indicated that they served two people, but they will last me more than 2 meals each. They were delicious!

The Gado Gado literally took less than 30 minutes from start to finish. It was so simple. I simply omitted the quinoa and brown sugar the recipe called for. The Miso Glazed Salmon was also super fast, and the instructions are incredibly clear. I’d say you don’t have to be a cook to make these recipes!

The Miso Glazed Salmon must have been about 20 minutes from start to finish and was also foolproof. Once again, I omitted the sugar and cut the gluten free soy sauce in half because it would have been a super high salt meal with the miso too.


Overall, my experience with Fresh Prep was great, and from time to time I’d use it. I wouldn’t use it every week for a couple of reasons: Mostly, I’m a nutritionist and like to be making my own food from scratch and testing recipes. I also buy mostly organic food and Fresh Prep was not organic, nor does it specify if it uses grass fed meat, wild fish or free range chicken (all things I attempt to do when I’m cooking at home).

It was definitely easy, and if I was ever away or getting back from a weekend away Sunday, I’d consider ordering it so that my groceries were on my doorstep when I got home!

If you’re interested, I’ve got a coupon code here to get 3 free meals FREE!

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